About Markee Pet Rescue
Pat Markee started “Markee Pet Refuge” as a 501(c)3 in 2002, but we’ve been doing this for almost 40 years.
We have always loved animals and have always been fortunate to have them in our lives. They make every day better and always put a smile on our faces. Unfortunately, some animals end up on the streets because their owners can no longer care for them and that is why we started Markee Pet Rescue. We want to help dogs and cats that are hard to home or nearing the end of their life, who would otherwise not be adoptable. We help them to have a better life.
When we receive or rescue cats and dogs, we help them get comfortable and feel as safe as possible here at our shelter. We are lucky to have enough land to be available to have a shelter and provide a temporary home for these animals. We will continue to do everything we can for these animals, and we welcome any donations that you can give. If you would like to donate supplies, please contact us today, and we will let you know how you can help out.